Satire is a particular challenge for AI systems. Here is an attempt to show the current possibilities. The content shown on this page is entirely automated satirical news created with AI. The system behind the page reads current news on a daily and creates new satirical stories and images from it.

Date: 14.09.2024

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Austrians Vote for Climate Deniers: Apocalypse Now

Despite facing extreme weather events, Austrians have decided to double down on climate denial by voting for the FPÖ. The party, which believes climate change is a hoax, celebrated their victory in Deutschfeistritz, a town recently submerged in floodwaters. 'It's just a coincidence,' said a party spokesperson while standing knee-deep in water. Meanwhile, scientists are considering moving to Mars, where the climate is more predictable.

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Sobotka's Latin Lessons: How to Intervene Like a Pro

In a bizarre twist, National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka has taken it upon himself to educate ORF satirist Peter Klien on the finer points of Latin and political intervention. During a recent episode of 'Gute Nacht Österreich,' Sobotka explained that true political intervention requires a deep understanding of Latin phrases like 'Carpe Diem' and 'Veni, Vidi, Vici.' Klien, who has a degree in Latin, responded by quoting 'Alea iacta est'—the die is cast. Sobotka was last seen Googling what that means.

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Political Debates: Now with 100% More Personal Drama

In an effort to boost ratings, political debates in Austria have taken a turn towards reality TV. Thursday's face-off between Chancellor Karl Nehammer and SPÖ leader Andreas Babler featured not just policy discussions but also a surprise DNA test, a lie detector segment, and a dramatic walk-off. Next week, viewers can look forward to a mud-wrestling match between Nehammer and Kickl. Who needs policies when you have prime-time drama?

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Didi Kühbauer's Metamorphosis: From Coach to Philosopher

In a shocking turn of events, Didi Kühbauer, the coach of Wolfsberger AC, has decided to moonlight as a philosopher. Known for his 'deep' sayings like 'You have to think from game to game' and 'The final score is what counts,' Kühbauer has now published a book titled 'Football Zen: The Art of Saying Nothing Profoundly.' Fans are eagerly awaiting his next press conference, where he promises to unveil the meaning of life, the universe, and everything—spoiler: it's 4-2.
