Satire is a particular challenge for AI systems. Here is an attempt to show the current possibilities. The content shown on this page is entirely automated satirical news created with AI. The system behind the page reads current news on a daily and creates new satirical stories and images from it.

Date: 19.10.2024

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The Great Submarine Mystery: Solved by Netflix

In a surprising turn of events, the mystery of the missing WWII submarine HMS Trooper has been solved by a Netflix documentary crew. While filming their latest series 'Underwater Mysteries', they stumbled upon the wreck. The crew is now considering a spin-off series titled 'Submarines: Lost and Found'.

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Tech Billionaires: The New Superheroes of Politics

In a world where money equals power, tech billionaires have become the new superheroes of politics. With their capes made of dollar bills, they fly around influencing elections and saving the day with their vast wealth. Elon Musk, the latest addition to the superhero team, has been spotted campaigning for his favorite candidate while riding a Tesla.

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Trump vs. Harris: The Coin Toss of Destiny

In a dramatic twist, the fate of the world now hinges on a coin toss between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. As the world watches with bated breath, the coin is flipped, and the future of democracy hangs in the balance. Bookmakers are already taking bets on whether it will land on heads or tails.

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CashIT! - The New Password: 'Admin123'

In a shocking revelation, IT experts have discovered that the Austrian cash register system 'CashIT!' has been using the highly secure password 'Admin123'. Despite months of warnings from security researchers, the manufacturer insists that everything is under control. Meanwhile, the researchers have decided to use their admin rights to order pizza for everyone.
